Youth Program

Education Programs Offer Opportunities to Serve the Community at SCYM

The SCYM Youth Program will provide supervised activities for each day, permitting you the time and space to become involved in the business, programs, worship and workshops of SCYM. The Youth Program mirrors the theme of the adult program allowing for conversation and reflection for all members of your family during your drive home at the end of the weekend. There will also be numerous opportunities for intergenerational activities such as singing songs around the camp fire, boating on the lake, and the annual egg hunt.

Because of the small numbers of children we expect to attend, the Youth Support Program Committee requests your patience as they work out how best to organize the program based on the children who register. 

Parental Consent Form

Please remember to complete the Parental Consent Form and the Medical Form for each child. These forms must be turned in to the Registrar upon arrival at Greene Family Camp before your child can join any of the SCYM youth program events. Each is critical and necessary for the care and safety of your kids.

Volunteer: Share Your Light

The Youth Program needs teachers and part time volunteers. You do not need to be a professional teacher to qualify. Please consider these opportunities for yourself if you are planning to attend this year or pass this message on to the members of your Monthly Meeting.

The Youth Program is also looking for adults interested in sharing their talents with the Youth. Perhaps you like to play the guitar and could teach the Littlest Friends a song. Or spend some time with the Elementary group writing poetry. All ideas are welcome. If interested, please contact the Youth Program Coordinator.

To volunteer, or to get more information about the Youth Program, please contact the Youth Program Coordinator 


Register on-line today!