

Payment Information

For those attending in person at Greene Family Camp registration fees are to be paid upon arrival . As in prior years, payment can be made by cash or check. This year we are adding an option to pay online using a credit card or direct withdrawal from a bank account through an arrangement with Friends Fiduciary.

Online payment will still be made during onsite check-in, not in advance. Registrants paying online will have the option to cover a 3% processing fee. Those wishing to pay online are reminded to bring their credit cards or banking information with them to GFC.

For those attending online only, please send your check, made payable to SCYM, to:

Shannon Kincaid-Toncray, SCYM Treasurer
P.O. Box 278
Azle, TX  76098-0278

Registration fee for each person 4 years or older is $50. That includes all participants whether attending online or in-person. Children and Youth are not charged for lodging or meals.



Fees for lodging and meals for adult over-night participants are: 

  Dorms Couple's Cabins Family Cabin Health House Motel
Three nights $255 $306 $255 $306 $336
Two nights $170 $204 $170 $204 $224
One night $85 $102 $85 $102 $112

The adult single occupancy rates are: 

  Couple's Cabin
Health House
Three nights $435 $435 $465
Two nights $290 $290 $310
One night $145 $145 $155
  • Friends with special accommodation needs will have priority for Health House rooms. 

Participants attending daily but not staying over-night at the Camp pay the registration fee plus the following: 

Adults per day $40

Other fees:
Linen Rental (if you don't bring your own) - $10 per set

Register on-line today!