Directions to Greene Family Camp

Greene Family Camp is located in Bruceville, Texas, about midway between Waco and Temple just west if I-35.

From the South:

  • Exit IH-35 at Exit 314.
  • Continue north on the access road to HWY 7 at Eddy.
  • Continue north on the access road from HWY 7 to the second turn around.
  • The first turn around is a left exit from the access road; you do NOT take it.
  • The second turn around is a right exit from the access road. Take this exit. You will pass under IH-35. The turn to Bruceville from the second turn around is to the right immediately after passing under IH-35.
  • From the exit to Bruceville, turn right at the stop sign onto Grider Street. Continue on that street until it junctions with Bruce Street.
  • Turn left onto Bruce Street and follow that street out of town until you see the street sign to Smith Lane. Turn left onto Smith Lane and continue on to Greene Family Camp.

From the North:

  • Exit IH-35 at Exit 318.
  • Continue south on the access road to the second turn around.
  • The first turn around exits to the right; you do NOT take it.
  • The second turn around is to the left and will take you under IH-35.
  • Now traveling north on the access road, take the first turn around (right exit). This will take you under IH-35.
  • Immediately after passing under IH-35 is the exit from the access road to Bruceville (right exit).
  • Follow that exit to the stop sign onto Girder Street. Continue on that street until it junctions with Bruce Street.
  • Turn left onto Bruce Street. and follow that street out of town until you see the street sign to Smith Lane. Turn left onto Smith Lane and continue on to Greene Family Camp.

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