FPT has been working with Ukrainians since 2014 supporting internally displaced
people, communities, and youth and spreading the message of peace through Power of Goodness stories, classes, and workshops. Friends currently support Olha Lychko-Parubocha, who visits with people in the IDP camps in Lviv. Together they discern what’s needed — from managing basic needs to counseling and social supports. Once stable, they find Power of Goodness offers very needed skills and insights on how to recover from war.
Olha is a psycho-therapist and one of the seven lead Power of Goodness facilitators in Ukraine. We have come to know her as skillful and compassionate. We are seeking donors to sustain Olha’s team and work in Lviv. If we receive enough sustainers, we would like to support teams in other Ukrainian cities as well. Regular donations allow us to plan ahead and support the long-term relationships necessary for resilience and recovery. If you or others are able, please go to FriendsPeaceTeams.org/donate or send a check to Friends Peace Teams-Europe, 1001 Park Ave, St Louis, MO 63104 with the memo: Europe (Ukraine). If you have any questions, you may write to Europe@friendspeaceteams.org. To receive ongoing news, subscribe for e-news in the bottom banner of friendspeaceteams.org (Europe).