News Feed

1/28/25 - Pam writes that her eye is mostly improving and a plan is in place to continue the healing. She writes further that:
"I'm not driving since my vision is so unclear. That's okay. No real place to be that Danny can't take me. Thank you all for your kind notes, calls and concern, prayers and chants and wishful thinking. You are all very precious to me and Danny.
In the Light,
Please hold Pam Arnold in the Light. She had cataract surgery on her right eye last week which has affected the retina in that eye. It will require further surgery in the coming week before she can have cataract surgery in her other eye. Please hold Pam and her husband Danny in the Light for the best possible outcome.
Pam doesn't text but welcomes calls and emails. You can find her contact information in the SCYM online directory if you have a website login or you can contact for the information. 
(Lacking a photo of Pam Arnold I am posting a photo of her cousin Patsy who often comes to SCYM Annual Sessions. We'll hope that Pam doesn't have to wear Patsy's glasses after her surgeries are complete. - with a smile and apology Liz Yeats)

Please hold Friends Tina and John Coffin in the Light.  Tina fell Thursday evening and had surgery Friday to address a broken femur bone.  Their daughter traveled to Little Rock Friday evening.  At the present moment, food is not needed, but your pastoral care and prayers are appreciated.  

Please hold Lon Burnam in the LIght as he appeals his civil rights having been violated by being banned from Tarrant County Commissioners Court. Danielle Evans informs us that Lon Burnam, member of Fort Worth Monthly Meeting, has been using his right to speak up in court. According to WFAA (the local ABC news):
Former State Rep. Lon Burnam has also been banned from the commissioner's court. He confronted Judge O'Hare about this July 2nd exchange with Commissioner Alisa Simmons. As she asked a county official to provide copies of the Tarrant County Jail operating procedures, Judge O'Hare interrupted her and started banging his gavel so she could not be heard. 
"The Chair has not recognized your right to speak," said O'Hare. 
After adjournment for recess to enter executive session, Burnam approached O'Hare to express his dislike about him not recognizing Simmons.
"For him to continually step on and over her to me is just unacceptable," said Burnam, "And I went up and told him exactly what I thought."
Deputies escorted Burnam from the administration building. Several days later, Burnam says two deputies served him a trespass warning at his home. It names O'Hare as the reporting person. The trespass warning does not specify a time frame for banning him from the commissioner's court. 

The photo above is of Tarrant County Sherriffs presenting a trespassing warning to Lon at his door July 9. (photo credit to Lon)

Please hold Claudia Wilson in the Light. She has been evacuated from her home in Ruidoso NM because of fires. Fort Worth Friends are in touch and she tells them after a night in an evacuation center she and a neighbor are getting a hotel room. They don’t know the fate of their homes. Please hold them in the Light for the best possible outcome.

Please hold Tina Coffin in the Light. She broke her arm at the elbow earlier this week and is home recovering. 

Please hold Claudia Wilson in the Light. She broke her pelvis while at her home in New Mexico. She is in the hospital and says they will send her to a rehab facility for further healing as she gets better. Fort Worth Meeting Friends are in touch and offering support and Claudia has her former partner and neighbors in NM who are helping on site. She would love to hear from Friends via text (682-472-6770) or email ( Please limit calls to aid in healing. Hold her in the Light for healing and the best outcome. 


Friends Peace Teams News

Read the Friend Peace Team's  Peaceways 2024 and Epistle

Reflect on the annual  FPT query:
"Justice and peace are possible!
What sustains your faith in justice and peace in the face of violence and war?
What brings you hope, joy, and resilience?"


Letting Your Life Speak

Are you a student asking deep questions about who you are and how to live and work in alignment with your values? This 2-afternoon virtual workshop, from 1-4 p.m. ET August 13 and August 14, sponsored by Friends Place on Capitol Hill and led by Beacon Hill Friends House will offer you an opportunity to explore those questions in community with peers. It is especially geared toward students interested in careers in social action and public service. The cost to participate in the workshop is $75. RSVP at:  


Friends General Conference (FGC) announces a January 18-21 Online Conference: "In these changing times..."

Save the DatesRegistration is Open 
Join Friends from across North America in seeking what messages Spirit offers us as we explore Spirit led growth and transformation. We will have time to deepen our spiritual lives, share ideas across yearly meetings and explore new ones as we meet online.

The dates are January 18-21, 2024 online only.

The program includes four main components that were lifted by yearly meeting clerks, focus group members and additional Friends:

  • Connection to Spirit
  • Becoming an Actively Anti-racist Faith Community
  • Changing Structures for Changing Times
  • The Future of the Religious Society of Friends.  

For more info go to:  

Registration is Open


"The Secret to True Communication" by J. E. McNeil

Former Houston native and Quaker activist, J.E. McNeil prides herself on her ability to bridge the regional, cultural, and political divides in the United States—the ability, as she puts it, to speak both NASCAR and NPR. So she created a program that teaches others how to communicate with people of different ideological persuasions. As she says, "You can't start persuading people until you're actually communicating." 

Watch the video here.

If you don't already know about Quaker Speak Videos, this is great time to view this one and others. You can find the whole archive of videos here


Friends Peace Teams Announcements and Upcoming Events: 

Upcoming Events

  • Roots of Injustice (TRR) Online: Jan 22 or Feb 11, Sun 2-4pm Mountain
  • Meet the Javanese Team: Fri, Feb 24, 6:30p Eastern for Power of Goodness and 8:30pm Eastern for Visitation.
  • Indian Boarding Schools… Online, Mar 14, Tue 9:15pm Eastern 
  • FPT Annual Gathering, May 4-7, Westtown Friends School, Register Now! (yes all are welcome)
  • Paula Palmer interview

Friends Peace Teams In Ukraine:

FPT has been working with Ukrainians since 2014 supporting internally displaced


To Friends Throughout the United States:  

Greetings in the Spirit of Love.  

We write to share with you an “Urgent Call to the Religious Society of Friends” concerning the current extensive threats to our U.S. democracy. We are led to speak out against the lies, extremist movements, and anti-democratic actions that are the opposite of our Quaker understandings of integrity and Truth.   This Call was prepared by a group of nineteen Friends.

We encourage your prayerful discernment of this “Urgent Call” and ask you as individuals, monthly meetings, yearly meetings, and Friends organizations to consider how you might be called to act with integrity in response to these concerns. 

Read the Urgent Call
Join the Conversation at