Dear Friends,
As we move into these times of social distancing, Friends in SCYM are finding ways to help each other deal with social distancing and the effects of the disease on indiviuals and meetings.
The one family in SCYM that reported that one member had tested positive for COVID19 report they are now recovering nicely. They are trying to rest and so, while they appreciate your prayers, they are staying annonymous. More news of SCYM Friends will be posted as we have it.
A new fall date for SCYM 2020 Yearly Meeting Sessions is confirmed as September 24-27, 2020. Watch here for more details.
All are invited to worship virtually online: All Yearly Meeting Wednesday Mid-Week Worship, 7-8pm (connect at 6:30 for tech help) and with SCYM Monthly Meetings on Sunday, March 29, 2020. Please click "read more" for details.
Link to Valiant Together listing for wonderful ideas for infusing Quakerism into family life and First Day School while social distancing at
Dear Friends,
Please continue to hold those suffering from the virus, resulting financial constraints and the challenges of social distancing in the Light. SCYM Ministry and Care is doing all it can to support monthly meetings and worship groups as they care for Friends in need. A survey of what is being done at the monthly meeting level is taking place. Friends should look toward their monthly meetings and worship groups for support. Monthly meeting and worship group clerks should contact Ministry and Care if what is needed exceeds their resources.
Many Friends are expressing a desire to help those within and beyond our meetings who depend on jobs that have gone away and live pay check to pay check. On Sunday, March 29, 2020 the ad-hoc committee to discern SCYM COVID19 response met online to discuss whether and how to honor our commitment to hourly staff who would have earned wages by serving us at 2020 April Sessions. Those present included Friends present were Gerald Jimmy, Jr. - Clerk, Jessica Arjet - Recording Clerk, Liz Yeats - Associate clerk, Warren Wilson Reiner, Lori Laub, Kevin King, Val Liveoak, Anne Collins, Chris Drexler, Karen Takemoto, and Denise Wilkinson. Friends reviewed many aspects of this situation. The following minute was approved:
SCYM AD-HOC COVID COMMITTEE 2020.3.29.01 Friends approve the treasurer to release $2800 to Greene Family Camp so that they can distribute these funds to the hourly staff members of Greene Family Camp who would not be paid for the weekend that we had to cancel. The web content manager (Liz Yeats) will encourage Friends in SCYM to contribute to this fund. Should contributions exceed the $2800, the treasurer will ask this committee to meet again to discuss how to proceed with the surplus.
This amount includes the $2,000 in estimated wages usually paid by Greene Family Camp and $800, the usual tip provided to hourly staff at annual sessions. The camp assures us the entire amount will be distributed appropriately to the hourly staff.
Individual Friends and meetings wishing to contribute to SCYM funds to help cover this cost should send checks to SCYM at: