Our 2021 Keynote Speaker is Eileen Flanagan, a Quaker author, speaker, and online teacher, whose lessons on spiritually-grounded non-violent activism have reached thousands.
As clerk of Earth Quaker Action Team for five years, she helped to develop and execute a $4 billion-a-year bank to stop financing moutain-top removal coal mining. In Fall 2020, she coordinated Choose Democracy trainings, preparing 10,000 people in nonviolent strategies to prevent a potential coup.
A former Pendle Hill teacher, she carries a minute of religious service from Chestnut Hill Monthly Meeting in Philadelphia and is now working on a book about the intersection of race, climate and spirituality.
At 2021 SCYM Eileen will present the following events:
All events will be on Zoom. You must be registered for 2021 SCYM Sessions to access the link. REGISTER HERE