News Archives

Memorial Meeting for Sue Garzon Today, August 5, 2023

The Memorial Meeting for Sue Garzon will be on Saturday, August 5th at 1:30pm followed by light refreshments. It will take place at the Girl Scouts' Lodge in Stillwater, OK. Please be in touch with Jan Michael if you need directions.

The Zoom Link for the memorial:
Aug 5, 2023 01:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
There is no waiting room, people will just pop up into the meeting. Please mute yourself. You can unmute when you want to give a message during the service and for open chatting afterward. 

2022 World Quaker Day

World Quaker Day

2 Oct, 2022 at 10:30 Central Time Online

Becoming the Quakers the World Needs

Julie Harlow, Davis Friends Meeting, writes:

Dear Friends everywhere,

John Lennon asked us to “Imagine all the people living life in peace”
I am asking you to imagine Friends all around the globe, extending their hands to each other, making a human rainbow chain touching every land, as we “stand still in that power that brings peace (George Fox)”.
I am inviting you to participate with Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) in realizing such a vision on World Quaker Day, 2 Oct. and in celebrating the diversity and geographical reach of Quakers. The Daily International Meeting for Worship for Peace will be expanded to welcome up to 1000 participants and extended to 90 minutes.

For more information and to access the link to the meeting please go to World Quaker Day 2022.

Dear Friends,

The Fellowship of Friends of African Descent (FOFAD) warmly invites Quakers of African Descent, regardless of yearly meeting affiliation, to Gather virtually in worship and fellowship, from Friday, August 12, 2022 to Sunday, August 14, 2022.  This event is FREE.  Registration is open here:

More than 35 Friends met joyfully online for worship, business and fellowship over the two day period. It was approved that Led by Faith to Work for Justice will be the theme of 2022 Yearly Meeting Sessions, Sunday, April 10 to Sunday, April 17. Sessions will be held both in person and online with hopes that all will be able to participate in parts of the meeting. Details will be forthcoming.

Read the Minutes of Representative Meeting here.

Read the documents that came to 2021 Fall Representative Meeting (more will be posted soon)

2021 SCYM Yearly Meeting Minutes and Attachments

Please join us at RM for some social time at lunch and for the business meeting to discuss future ways to provide opportunities for social get togethers for SCYM Friends.

Get together monthly via Zoom for conversation and laughter!